The Peura Family

Brian & Jen
Zach & Kyle
Cook Family
Christmas Letters
Blakeway Calendar

Zachary Peura
7 Months

Christmas 1993

Once again our holiday greetings come to you from Charlottesville, Virginia. This is our fourth Christmas in the quiet rural domain of Mr. Jefferson. This year we are looking forward to celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. As our children become young adults, we find ourselves in a position where we are slowly assuming the role of parenting our parents.

Brian is happily ensconced at the University of Montana, studying forestry and relishing communion with the great outdoors. He has a wonderful girlfriend with whom he maintains a long-distance relationship -- surely a hardship, but yet a joy. He seems to have found the perfect field for his interests and talks of graduate school.

Jessica, who has been on her own for several years, is living and working in Newport News, Virginia.

David's days are busy at the University of Virginia with teaching and clinical duties. His extensive consulting activities and involvement in several national gastroenterology societies have earned him executive premier frequent flyer status!

Kristin works full time managing three shopping centers. She makes time to travel with David on some of the more interesting trips. The Peura household still has homemade bread, but now it is courtesy of a bread making machine.

We wish you all the joys of this special Holiday Season and hope that Christmas 1993 finds you happy, well and fulfilled. Our home is always open to a visit from our special friends.

David and Kristin